Author Archives: Camp Hand

Considerations for planting and PRE herbicides – Week of May 23

All, As many know, we are quickly losing moisture and this week temperatures are escalating and cloud cover will be minimal across Georgia. Many people … Continue reading

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May UGA Cotton Team Newsletter

All, Planting time is upon us, and I hope that conditions are good for everyone and that everyone is staying safe. The May newsletter is … Continue reading

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Fiber quality data for 2020 On-Farm Variety Trials

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April UGA Cotton Team Newsletter and 2021 Virtual Production Meeting Videos

All, It is that time of year again – temperatures are warming up and people are itching to plant cotton (Dr. Phillip Roberts planted some … Continue reading

Posted in Cotton Agronomics, Cotton Production, Disease Management, Fertility, Insect Management, Irrigation, Nematode Management, Weed Management | Comments Off on April UGA Cotton Team Newsletter and 2021 Virtual Production Meeting Videos

Finalized 2020 On-Farm Variety Trial Lint Yields

All, I know many have been waiting, and the day is finally here. Below you will find a link to the finalized lint yields from … Continue reading

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Preliminary 2020 On-Farm Variety Trial Results

Below is a link to the Preliminary 2020 On-Farm Variety Trial Results. A couple of things to note: THESE RESULTS ARE PRELIMINARY!!! To date, only … Continue reading

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2021 UGA Cotton Production Guide

The cotton production guides for 2021 have been printed and are currently being distributed to county agents. The production guide is also posted online under … Continue reading

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