Author Archives: Phillip Roberts

Scout ALL Cotton for Corn Earworm

Bt cotton technologies have allowed cotton growers to significantly reduce insecticide inputs for caterpillar pests.  However Bt cotton is not and has never been immune … Continue reading

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Cotton Aphid Fungus Update

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Cotton and Soybean Threshold One-Pagers

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Pest Patrol Cotton and Soybean Insect Updates

Cotton and soybean insect pest information is available via text alerts that direct users to an online recording.  “Pest Patrol Alerts” or online recordings will be … Continue reading

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Insect Updates on Twitter

When noteworthy observations are made in the field, I will send out concise descriptions and pictures via Twitter.  If you want to follow these quick … Continue reading

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Cotton, Peanut, and Soybean Scout Schools

Insect scouting schools will be conducted on June 11, 2018 in Tifton and June 19, 2018 in Midville. Crops to be covered include cotton, peanuts, … Continue reading

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What’s Your Risk for Thrips?

Thrips are consistent pests of cotton each year and nearly 100 percent of the acres planted will be infested.  For this reason preventive insecticides are … Continue reading

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A New Tool For Improving Thrips Management in Cotton

Thrips are the most consistent insect pest of cotton in Georgia and the Southeast.  Near 100 percent of the cotton planted will be infested by … Continue reading

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Silverleaf Whitefly Management Presentation

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SLWF Natural Mortality – Fungal?

In the last 10-14 days several of you have called about dead adult silverleaf whitefly adults in cotton.  Many of these observations have been in … Continue reading

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