Category Archives: Economics, Marketing, Policy

Cotton Marketing News– June 14, 2013

Written biweekly by Don Shurley.  Sponsored by Southern Cotton Growers, Inc.  Click here to view and download the latest Cotton Marketing News in PDF format or click below to continue reading on-line.

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2013 Cotton Budgets

Estimated costs and returns for 2013 Georgia cotton production have been posted.  The budgets are posted under “Decision Aids” in the “left margin menu” of this page (the Home page).  There are 4 budgets and Use Guidelines.  The budgets are available in both printer-friendly version (PDF) and spreadsheet (Excel).  The budgets are for:

  • Conventional tillage, non-irrigated
  • Strip-till, non-irrigated
  • Conventional, irrigated
  • Strip-till, irrigated

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Cotton Marketing News– May 30, 2013

Written biweekly by Don Shurley.  Sponsored by Southern Cotton Growers, Inc.  Click here to view and download the latest Cotton Marketing News in PDF format on click below to continue reading on-line.

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Cotton Marketing News– April 12, 2013

Written biweekly by Don Shurley.  Sponsored by Southern Cotton Growers, Inc.  Click here  to view and download the latest Cotton Marketing News in PDF format or click below to continue reading on-line.

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Breaking News– Cotton Planting Intentions For 2013

USDA’s Prospective Planting report was released today.  US farmers say they intend to plant 10.026 million acres this year– down 19%.  Georgia acreage is expected to hold even with last year.  GA growers say they’ll plant 1.3 million acres.  Click here to download and view the report in Cotton Marketing News (PDF format) or click below to continue reading the report on-line.

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Cotton Marketing News– March 22, 2013

Written biweekly by Don Shurley.  Sponsored by Southern Cotton Growers, Inc.  Click here to view and download the latest Cotton Marketing News in PDF format or click below to continue reading on-line.

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Cotton Marketing News– March 8, 2013

Written biweekly by Don Shurley.  Sponsored by Southern Cotton Growers, Inc.  Click here to view and download the latest Cotton Marketing News in PDF format or click below to continue reading on-line.

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Cotton Marketing News– February 22, 2013

Written biweekly by Don Shurley.  Sponsored by Southern Cotton Growers, Inc.  Click here to view and download the latest Cotton Marketing News in PDF format or click below to continue reading on-line.

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Cotton Marketing News– February 11, 2013

Written biweekly by Don Shurley.  Sponsored by Southern Cotton Growers, Inc.  Click here to view and download the latest Cotton Marketing News in PDF format or click below to continue reading on-line.


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2012 Georgia Quality Cotton Award Winners

The 2012 Georgia Quality Cotton Awards were presented on Wednesday, January 30, 2013 at lunch during the Georgia Cotton Commission Annual Meeting and UGA Cotton Production … Continue reading

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