Category Archives: Uncategorized

Georgia Cotton Commission’s 13th Annual Meeting & UGA Cotton Production Workshop January 29, 2020

The Georgia Cotton Commission’s 13th Annual Meeting and UGA Georgia Cotton Production Workshop will be held on January 29, 2020 at the UGA Tifton Campus … Continue reading

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Cotton County Production Meeting Schedule – 2020

Contact your County Agent for additional details concerning production meetings in your area. 2020 Cotton County Meetings (as of December 31, 2019) Meeting type County … Continue reading

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2018 Farm Bill ARC and PLC Timeline

Download the PDF version of this post. The 2018 Farm Bill, officially known as the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, provides safety net support programs … Continue reading

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Cotton Team Newsletter June 2019

Below is the link to the UGA Cotton Team Newsletter for June 2019. For more information on any of the information or dates contact your … Continue reading

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Scout Schools: Tifton June 10, 2019 and Midville June 18, 2019

Insect scouting schools will be conducted on June 10, 2019 in Tifton and June 18, 2019 in Midville. Crops to be covered include cotton, peanuts, … Continue reading

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Silverleaf Whitefly in Cotton Update

Silverleaf whitefly (SLWF) adults have been observed in low numbers in cotton in some areas during the past week to ten days.  To date very … Continue reading

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Insect Updates on Twitter

When noteworthy observations are made in the field, I will send out concise descriptions and pictures via Twitter.  If you want to follow these quick … Continue reading

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Information on the Recent Designation of Seed Cotton as a Covered Commodity

On February 9, 2018, the US Congress passed budget legislation that included the designation of seed cotton as a covered commodity under the 2014 farm … Continue reading

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Sign up to receive the Georgia Cotton Commission Newsletter

The Georgia Cotton Commission’s newsletter will now be digital.  It will be sent out four times a year, plus occasional time sensitive contacts.  If you … Continue reading

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2017 UGA Cotton OVT Data Summary

Cotton variety selection is an extremely important decision for cotton producers each year.  Examining un-biased, research based information on variety performance is a critical part … Continue reading

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